Therapeutic Massage
Thank you for considering massage with me, I’m so happy you landed here.
My goal as a massage therapist is to use therapeutic massage techniques to help my clients with various issues without sacrificing the relaxation aspect of massage. I strongly believe that being able to relax and ease the stress on your nervous system during our treatments allows your muscles and body to respond to treatment more effectively.
For this reason, I avoid using therapeutic massage techniques in a painful manner. Deeper pressure and effective massage techniques can be used without stressing or aggravating your nervous system. Sometimes, slight discomfort can be experienced but through communication we can be sure that it’s never enough discomfort to disturb your nervous system.
There is so much value in stepping away from your life and being able to truly relax during your treatments. At Mellow & Move, you’ll see that relaxation and therapeutic massage go hand in hand to increase your overall mental and physical wellbeing.
I look forward to treating you,

My Treatments
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1 hr
19.99 US dollars